Saturday, June 2, 2012

Teen adults

Recently I got to know a 17-year-old boy from a social network site. God knows what he was doing there at that time. His profile said 21 years old. He requested to chat with me and I thought 'Why not?'.

So as we were chatting (purely platonic conversation, mind you), he told me that he was actually 17. At that point I started to feel quite uncomfortable. Although we never talk about anything sexual, still the circumstances that introduced us was making me doubt that I should continue chatting with him. We talked about his school, studies, his future plans and stuff. I told him upfront that I was never going to hookup with him. After he turned 18, maybe. Even that was quite young for me. So I said we can only be friends. Period. He agreed.

I don't know, I never met someone that young from an obviously adult social site. Was I wrong to continue chatting with him? He wanted to continue chatting with me the next day. I said I'll see if I'm free. I guess I was still a bit hesitant, although I kept the conversation clean. I know he was a good kid who was just curious. Weren't we all at that age? Therefore I was quite worried for him. He kept asking me not to treat him like a kid. But the matter of the fact was, he WAS still a kid. 17 years old is hardly a grown-up.

Should I continue befriend him, if we agree to be just friends? Or is this a huge mistake?


  1. Herm...

    1. Yes, he's too young...

    2. He might not be what he say he is...

    be cautious at all time...

    1. I thought he was too young too. I kept saying 'OMG you are so young!' and he was quite peeved.

      But who knows, he could be some creep lying about their age right? But when we were talking, I had a feeling that he was quite young, because the way he talked reflected his age a 'lil bit. Still, we never know.

    2. HAHAHAHA~
      erm... if I keep so saying... "You're so cute", would you get annoyed as well? dont think so right? haha

      I see, still raw... so are you still talking to him?
      (oh you can tell how old the person eh, how old I? )

    3. Aiyo kids always want to appear older one ma... they don't want to be constantly reminded of their age. And same goes for older people. Always won't admit they are old. So if you tell an older person that they are young of course they will be happy lah!

      Yeah am still talking to him. Keeping it clean though. Brotherly almost.

      I can kinda guessed someone's age lah. Not exact age, maybe a range. You ah... around late 40s lor!! HahahHahaha..... see you ask one. ;p

    4. Ok loh~ hello cutie! muack!!! hey, add me on msn, so we can also have platonic conversation... hahahaha

      Brotherly? herm... taught him anything?

      oh, man are not like woman... Woman are like beer, men love em, but only before expiry date... men on the other hand are like wine, the value increases as they age, but the aging process is important, else wine would turn vinegar...


    5. thanks hottie! I thought we also have platonic conversation. Ok lah not exactly, with occasional cyber kissing and tongue-ing. And fondling. Hahahahah...

      So far just talking. No wisdom to pass down. lolll

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah..Joker is right. Anyway aren't 16 already legal? Or i screwed up my brain?

    1. hmm... I think it's 18. Isn't it? But then again, different country their legal age is different. Regardless, people in their 'teens' are still kinda young.

  4. avoid all sexual talks at all! once detected and persistently raised, STOP all communication at once! lol... thats what i'll do! :)

    if its obviously stated that this whole thing will only lead to a friendship thing and nothing else then ok la.. no harm la making friends! :)

    1. Yeah thank god sex was never brought up in the entire conversation.

      Thanks for the advice Tuls. I wasn't really sure what to do with him.

      Oh by the way, I miss you!!!

    2. sorry arr been busy lately... add me on skype la... im there usually... msn is being a bitch on my com...

  5. I don't think you should continue talking to that guy. And you'd be surprised by the number of underage guys using Grindr.

    1. Sigh... I have a feeling I shouldn't too. It feels wrong somehow. I mean if I knew him from a non sexual, age appropriate settings, I won't hesitate to be his friend. On the other hand, he could be a 50-year-old creep lying about his age. Both scenarios are unsettling and disturbing.

  6. Being just friends but only friends and nothing more should be fine. I have a feeling sooner or later the sex topic will come up soon xD. It's just a matter of time LoL. If he's really just a kid perhaps you should be the right friend to guide him nicely into this circle as u said he's curious and young @@. Just my opinion xD

    1. Hopefully later. When he's older. Hahahhaha... Gosh I feel so old talking like this. Not that I am. lol... And I'm hardly a good role model to guide anyone. Probably can give him some advice (hopefully good ones) here and there, but that's about it.

      He told me kids his age are already corrupted, so he said not to worry too much. But I don't want to be the one to have a hand in corrupting someone FURTHER. Does it make sense? hahaha...

  7. The second you have the urge to flirt.. Remember.. You might just be a pedo bear.. LOL!!

    Anyways, i think there is nothing wrong with befriending him la. You can be like a mentor to him too! Advice him on all the stupid things a teen will do. I wouldn't be where i am now if not for my friend Cyren that used to advice me alot about anything and everything. And back then i was about 17ish too.

    As long as you and him are clear about his intentions should be no problem la.


    1. pedo bear?! hrmphhh... I'm not a bear la...lollll yeah don't wanna be a creepy pedophile.

      Maybe. If I can curb my urge to treat him like a kid. And I'm really not a good role model to be a mentor to anyone. hahHahah... later giving ajaran sesat all then not good lah.

    2. Pedo bear quite cute what...

      Take it as a compliment would you?


    3. I think you mean bear quite cute right? 'pedo' bear is creepy.

      And you changed your pic!! So buff! And damn hot!

  8. Lol, treat him as a kid la.. He is what?..
    Can just advice him when he tells you something la..

    Like last time i was added in this plu group on facebook. Cyren immediately warned me about a group of people and how exactly they will make their move. And without fail, they did exactly what he said they will do.

    Dont need to be the best role model lo. No matter what your knowledge is of value to him (Maybe me too?). haha, unless he is the slutty bitch that slept with a million guys before.. HAHA
